Monday, March 7, 2016

Interested in helping with IB Women in Science?

Sorry for how long it has been!  Despite the lack of updates, the IB Women in Science group is alive and well and our monthly meetings continue this semester.  We had a great time hearing from Jennifer E. Smith, Assistant Professor of Biology at Mills College, who provided advice about applying for liberal arts school professorships. This month on March 16th, 1-2:30pm in 2063 VLSB we will here from Darcy Kato-Ernst, a new Assistant Professor of Biology at University of San Francisco who recently graduated with a PhD From IB!  Please check the Meetings page for updates about the rest of our meetings this semester.

Also, we are looking for additional organizational help with IB Women in Science. If you are a grad student (a variety of departments are welcome! We currently have organizers from IB and ESPM, but would also welcome folks from PMB, MCB, Public Health, and a variety of other departments, too!) who is interested in helping to plan and organize meetings for this group, please contact one of the current organizers to let them know!


-The IBWIS Team


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