Please join IB Women in Science for a lunchtime discussion about gender, race, and subconscious bias in academia on Wednesday, October 10th from 1pm to 2:30pm in 4110 VLSB. We will be discussing the recent, highly controversial PNAS article "Science faculty's subtle gender biases favor male students" by Moss-Racusin et al., as well as research on subtle racial biases in science, over a delicious meal of Thai food. One goal of the meeting is to create a list of ways that individual scientists, departments, and universities can mitigate the effects of subconscious bias. Please RSVP to Sofia Chang (swchang at so that we know how much food to order.
You can find the PNAS article here:
Other recent coverage of the article:
Bias persists against women in science, a study finds (NY Times)
Room for Debate: Breaking the bias against women in science (NY Times)
Even scientists are sexist as hell (Gawker)
Scientists, your gender bias is showing (Discover Magazine)
This is event is sponsored by the UC Berkeley Graduate Assembly.
Friday, October 5, 2012
IB WIS Meeting on Gender, Race, and Subconscious Bias in Academic Science, 10/10, 1pm, 4110 VLSB
11:34 AM
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