For our March meeting on field research, we gathered a number of field season planning resources that our members might find helpful. We are publishing these resources in this document and below the fold.
These resources include information about hiring volunteers, liability and insurance, university-funded travel, troubleshooting, and funding sources for field seasons. Please be advised that this is a not an official list of resources and that available resources and policies related to field research may change. Also, please let us know if you have a general resource for field season planning that we should add to the list!
Fieldwork Resources
Please note that this is not an official list of department resources and that available institutional resources for fieldwork are subject to change quickly.
Logistical Planning
UC Berkeley Office of Risk Services - risk management planning, including various types of insurance (see travel insurance below). Consult with this office if your fieldwork involves unique risks for which you may need additional liability insurance.
UC Berkeley Travel Insurance - travel insurance (major medical, evacuation, repatriation, and property) offered to employees, students, and non-affiliated people (spouses, volunteers) travelling with them
UC SHIP Insurance Abroad
UHS Tang Center Travel Clinic - TB tests, immunizations, travel consultations, prophylactic prescriptions (Malaria, antibiotics)
Volunteer employees - volunteer field assistants should be registered as volunteer employees to ensure that they have access to UC Berkeley workers compensation services if necessary and to legally protect all parties involved. This involves signing a waiver and the California State oath.
Divers Alert Network insurance (marine specific) - provides travel insurance, medical insurance, and hyberbaric chamber insurance for researchers for a small fee. Additional insurance can be purchased for equipment.
Problem Solving
Gender-Equity Resource Center - provides education and support/advice on matters relating to gender/sexuality equality, sexual assault, and sexual harassment.
Lost/Stolen Passports - in general, contact the closest US consulate/embassy ASAP.
Sending Money in the case of a financial emergency - U.S. consulates can establish secure accounts for sending money abroad. They utilize Western Union.
Injury/Death - contact U.S. Consular assistance: the consulate can help with family notification, money transfers, and evacuation
Divers Alert Network Emergency Hotline (marine-specific) - contact DAN to consult about questions related to dive/marine medicine, including decompression illness, seafood poisoning, and injuries from marine organisms. You do NOT need DAN insurance to use this service. If you do have DAN insurance, they will organize treatments, evacuations, etc...
Funding for Field Seasons (see IB website for more research grants)
In Absentia status - This status allows Advanced-to-Candidacy graduate students to pay only 15% of fees during semesters when they will not be in California and can be taken for up to 4 semesters. Grad students still have to pay University Health Service fees or provide their own health insurance. To obtain In Absentia status, you must petition the graduate division before the beginning of the semester.
In Candidacy Fee Offset Grant (ICFOG) - covers the tuition portion of UC Berkeley fees, as long as the applicant had advanced to candidacy, is within normative time, and has no other forms of support to cover these fees.
UC Berkeley International Dissertation Fieldwork Grant - A grant providing up to $10,000 for fieldwork to UC Berkeley students, with a preference for international students who are not eligible for other large grants
American Philosophical Society Lewis and Clark Fund - provides up to $5000 for exploratory field studies
National Geographic Young Explorer’s Grant - provides up to $5000 for individuals between 18 and 25 years of age to pursue research, conservation, and exploration-themed projects consistent with National Geographic’s mission.
American Museum of Natural History Grants (Theodore Roosevelt Grant, Lerner-Grey Marine Grant, Chapman Grant for Ornithology) - provide up to $2000 for graduate students to pursue field or museum research that is consistent with the mission of the AMNH.
Wenner-Gren Dissertation Fieldwork Grants (Biological and Cultural Anthropology) - provides up to $20,000 for dissertation field research “that furthers our understanding of humanity's cultural and biological origins, development, and variation.”
The Explorer’s Club Grant for Students - provides up to $5000 to individual students conducting mentored scientific research or exploration.
The Ernst Mayr travel grant - provides up to $1500 to research understudied taxa, preferentially for studies that use Harvard’s Museum of Comparative Zoology.
AWIS travel award - provides up to $3000 for professional travel.
Fulbright Scholarship - prestigious award that provides a living stipend for a year abroad
UC Berkeley Foreign language and area studies awards - provides funding to support learning of critical and less commonly taught languages
UC MEXUS grants for dissertation research - provides up to $12000 for research that includes meaningful collaborations with Mexican institutions or researchers or that addresses issues of importance to Mexico or to Mexican Americans.
NSF Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grants (DDIG) in the Directorate of Biological Sciences - provides up to $15,000 of funding (minus overhead) for dissertation research, including field seasons.
NSF East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes (EAPSI) - provides US graduate students in science and engineering firsthand research experiences in China, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, or Taiwan with the goal of fostering future collaborations.
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