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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Diversity in Academia

A video from our very own Dr. Rebecca Calisi: an IB alumn and current post-doc at UC Davis.

Video: Why We Need to Broaden Participation in Science

She made this short video to address why we need diversity in the sciences. She interviewed Prof. John Wingfield (UC Davis, and Assistant Director for Biological Sciences at the National Science Foundation) as well as three UC Berkeley professors (Profs. Carlos Bustamante, Tyrone Hayes, and Erica Bree Rosenblum) on broadening participation in the sciences. 

The interviews center on three general areas in promoting diversity in the academy-- enriching the sciences through diverse life trajectories, committing to studying issues related to underrepresented groups, and practicing institutional sensitivity to the needs and experiences of diverse groups emerging in the sciences.

Dr. Calisi presented this this video at the request of Prof. Zuleyma Tang-Martinez (UMSL) this summer at the 49th annual meeting of the Animal Behavior Society, and it was well received - by both older, more established professors wanting to discuss in-depth policy changes, and younger students, some very emotional, grateful for recognition and support.


Why Women Still Can't Have It All

A new article published in The Atlantic, by Anne-Marie Slaughter, looks at the realities and myths of achieving work-life balance and proposes changes to improve access to leadership positions for women who also want a life (healthy relationships, family, activities).


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